The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) has extended the deadline for its request for qualifications (RFQ) for a construction manager at risk (CMR) to April 14 to build a new $70 million arts and performance complex and $35 million parking structure.

RFQ guidelines outline a 110,000 square foot arts and performance complex that will feature a facility for music and dance performances with a seating capacity of 600 and a reception area.
The complex also may include offices, classrooms, an art library, art storage and conservation facilities, and gallery space for Swiss, Asian, and possibly Latin-American art collections.

Project scope for the parking edifice features a 400,000-square-foot structure with more than 1,200 spaces that may include auxiliary space, a catering kitchen to serve the arts and performance complex and potential educational and general space.
After accepting RFQs, UTD officials are scheduled to issue a request for proposals to short-listed firms on April 30 with a deadline of May 11. Schematic design would begin September 30.

The projects will run consecutively with parking structure construction scheduled to begin September 2021. Construction of the arts complex is set to start November 2022 with final completion expected by December 2024. Construction on the arts and performance complex will start after the parking structure is operational.