Texas Woman’s University (TWU) has released a solicitation for a designer for its $30 million College of Business project. While a construction date has not been selected, officials anticipate the project will be completed by spring 2027.
The project will create a new building for the Merrilee Alexander Kick (MAK) College of Business (COB). The new facility will provide additional capacity for the college’s programming needs. The current building no longer has the space to accommodate students and faculty.
The COB will cover 40,000 square feet of space. Once completed, the building will provide dedicated space to support recruitment, foster interaction between faculty and students and facilitate community and industry engagement. This includes modern office and classroom areas.
The facility will be located on the Denton campus and will match the university’s architectural style, cutting-edge exterior design and interior space standards.
To make room for the new building, TWU will demolish the existing Graduate Research Building. After demolition is complete, plans include removing the piers down three feet below grade and capping existing utilities outside the new building’s footprint.
(Photo courtesy of Michael Barera.)