The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will deliver $52.8 million to supplement local funds for water system improvement and loss projects.

A total of 10 projects will receive the largest partition of the funding – $34.8 million – to execute and complete water loss projects for cities, water utility companies and authorities. The most notable projects selected for awards include:

  • The city of Matador will receive $13.7 million to replace transmission lines, improve the distribution system, replace a ground storage tank’s control system and create an asset management plan.
  • The Mooreville Water Supply Corporation will invest $4.6 million to replace and upgrade water lines. The corporation will also install three pumps, a generator and a 2,000-gallon hydropneumatics pressure tank.
  • Groveton will spend $4.3 million to replace water lines, build a water well and assess water distribution and system hydraulics.
  • Chappell Hill Water Supply Corporation will receive $4.1 million to replace water mains, install a generator, demolish an elevated storage tank, install a 217,500-gallon standpipe and create an asset management plan.
  • The Nueces County Water Control and Improvement District No. 3 will receive support to enact water system improvements. More than $9.3 million will enable the district to replace 10,000 feet of water lines, install valves and hydrants, replace more than 3,500 manual read meters and install an automated meter reading system.

Approximately $3.8 million will allow the city of Spur to replace 19,000 feet of cast iron water lines with PVC pipe. In addition, the city will replace 70 gate valves and create an asset management plan.

The TWDB will allocate $3.8 million to Richland Springs. The city will use the fund to replace around eight miles of pipeline, 30 fire hydrants and two pressure tanks.

The remaining $92,820 will go to the D Bar B Water and Wastewater Supply Corporation to buy and install an emergency generator.

(Photo courtesy of Luis Tosta on Unsplash.)