Voters may start casting their ballots as early as Monday in the November 5 Texas constitutional amendment election.

Early voting to determine 10 constitutional amendments, special elections, and local elections will be from October 21 to November 1.

The amendments will appear as propositions on the ballot. In brief, they are:

  • Proposition 1 – Permitting a person to hold more than one office as a municipal judge at the same time;
  • Proposition 2 – Enabling the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) to issue up to $200 million in general obligation bonds for water and wastewater infrastructure projects in flood-damaged areas that are economically distressed;
  • Proposition 3 – Authorizing the Texas Legislature to provide for temporary property tax exemptions on properties damaged in disasters;
  • Proposition 4 – Prohibiting the imposition of a personal state income tax;
  • Proposition 5 – Dedicating revenue from existing state sales taxes on sporting goods to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Texas Historical Commission to protect Texas’ natural areas, water quality, and history;
  • Proposition 6 – Authorizing the Legislature to increase the bonding authority of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) from $3 billion to $6 billion;
  • Proposition 7 – Allowing increased distributions by state agencies and boards to the Available School Fund, which provides classroom materials and funding for Texas schools;
  • Proposition 8 – Providing for the creation of a flood infrastructure fund that the TWDB could use to finance drainage, flood mitigation, and flood control projects in areas impacted by disasters;
  • Proposition 9 – Authorizing the Legislature to exempt precious metals held in an official depository from property taxes; and,
  • Proposition 10 – Allowing former handlers or qualified caretakers to adopt retired law enforcement animals without being assessed a fee.

For more information on the November 5 constitutional amendments, view the House Research Organization’s report.