Edgar AntuSenior Consultant

512-531-3900 | eantu@spartnerships.com |

SPI Senior Consultant Edgar Antu’s experience at the crossroads of government and the private sector gives him a unique perspective on helping clients accomplish public-sector objectives. After two sessions of work in a Senate office, Edgar gained extensive knowledge of the legislative process, as well as how to deal with elected officials and agency executives.  He has also focused his skills in the areas of identifying upcoming opportunities for government contractors.

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While working at the State Capitol, Edgar Antu not only developed his skills regarding rules and procedures in both chambers, but also worked collaboratively with private-sector representatives who offered innovative solutions to public officials.

Edgar’s knowledge regarding government structure, state agencies, and government policies and procedures makes him a valuable member of SPI client teams. He is well-versed in both the government and private sector sides of public-private partnerships, the ins-and-outs of government contracting, analysis of budget and legislative documents, identification of business opportunities and processes for successful opportunity capture.

Edgar holds a bachelor’s degree in government from the University of Texas at Austin.  He has traveled extensively and is fluent in both Spanish and English.