Stephenville city officials plan to use $17 million in funding from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund of the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) to upgrade the wastewater treatment system. The first phase of the project, estimated to cost $9.5 million, is to add a relief load transfer point to bottleneck, said Nick Williams, director of public works. The second phase is to improve the wastewater system to the airport and is expected to cost $2.3 million. The third phase is expected to cost $4.4 million for the total project estimated to cost $16.2 million.
The next step is for the city to complete and environmental study of the proposed project and begin acquiring right-of-way for the project. The environmental study is expected to be completed in about six months at which point the city will seek bids for construction of the entire project and consider the timeline and cost of each phase of the project.