Customized Research Services

The firm’s seasoned researchers are known for their experience and unique skills.  They can provide hard-to-come-by information and data related to any and every aspect of the government marketplace.

The team is also known for being able to alert clients to upcoming opportunities long before public announcements are made. This allows sales teams time to get positioned before solicitation documents are released.

The SPI Team delivers high value research that provides companies with a definite competitive advantage.  Research products offerings include, but are not limited to, the following:

·         Future Opportunity Identification – Early identification of opportunities is critical to success when it comes to capturing new business. Researchers produce upcoming opportunity pipelines for any geographic region in the U.S.  They also provide pertinent data related to each opportunity.

·         Competitor Analysis – Researchers provide a detailed look at what competitors are doing – how they go-to-market, sell, network, and compete. Researches analyze recent competitor proposals, existing contracts, favored partners and subcontractors, pricing models, and political involvement.

·         Revenue Potential Data – Researchers provide data for firms considering acquisitions, sales, or mergers.  This highly valuable data can cover 1 state or all 50 states… and it is unique to anything else available in the marketplace today.  SPI research has also been used to test the revenue potential for current offerings and then compared to revenue potential that has been tweaked and suggested by procurement experts with decades of experience in the government marketplace.

·         Market Assessment – Get it all in one document – market size, revenue potential, upcoming opportunities, political environment, regulatory issues, competitors, decision-maker backgrounds and contact information, budget data, and more.

·         Territory Planning – Researchers provide an analysis of any, or all, regional jurisdictions in any part of the country. They prioritize jurisdictional demand, people to know, upcoming events for visibility, governmental structures, regulations of impact, competitor information, favored primes, subcontractors, and anything else of relevance.

·         Budget Data and Planning Data Documents for upcoming fiscal years – Researchers provide valuable insight for companies trying to decide which federal agencies should be of high focus.  Similar data can be provided at any jurisdictional level of government.

·         Customized Research – SPI researchers will provide data and analysis for any type of objective. The research team has been gathering hard-to-come-by information long enough to accommodate even the most difficult research requests. SPI customizes each information gathering engagement to fit each client’s specific needs and objectives.

·         Finally – the SPI Research Team can provide anything a client needs.  Our FOIA requests never reveal any company names.  Call to discuss a highly customized research engagement.  The cost is always based on a Scope of Work, Timeline  and the number of states that will be included.

SPI research delivers actionable results for your
business development team.

Interested in learning more about SPI’s Government Market Research Services?
Email us at spisales@spartnerships.com »

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Customized Research Services

research information Research/InformationThe firm’s seasoned researchers are known for their skills in finding and vetting upcoming opportunities for clients long before public announcements are made. This allows sales teams time to get positioned before solicitation documents are released. SPI researchers initiate meaningful conversations with public sector decision-makers and work alongside procurement consultants and subject matter experts to deliver actionable results.

SPI offers timely, hard-to-come-by information
that provides clients a competitive advantage.


SPI’s Research Products Offerings include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Future Opportunity Identification – Early identification of opportunities is critical to capturing new business. Researchers produce opportunity pipelines for any geographic region and provide ‘insider information’ related to each opportunity.
  • Competitor Analysis – Researchers provide clients a detailed look at what specific competitors are doing. Consultants analyze recent competitor proposals and existing contracts, identify favored subcontractors, and check on political involvement.SPI research infographic 300x294 Research/Information
  • Market Assessment – Get it all in one document: market size, upcoming opportunities, revenue potential, history, major competition, political environment, decision-maker contact information, budget data and more.
  • Territory Planning – Researchers provide an analysis of any, or all, jurisdictions in any region. An incredibly valuable road map for sales executives, this service directs sales teams to sales opportunities and saves them time and effort if no budget or planned purchases exist. The research covers information related to upcoming and/or planned spending, organizational structure, favored primes, subcontractors, and more.
  • Customized Research – SPI researchers will provide data and analysis for any type of objective. The research team has been gathering hard-to-come-by information long enough to accommodate even the most difficult research requests. SPI customizes each information gathering engagement to fit each client’s specific needs and objectives.

SPI research delivers actionable results for your
business development team.

Interested in learning more about SPI’s Government Market Research Services?
Email us at spisales@spartnerships.com »

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