
  • Public ed contracting opportunities are abundant – 12/24/2010
    Texas, like every other state, has a significant focus on education. The economic prosperity of every state is closely tied to a well-educated and trained workforce. The state currently spends $59 billion each biennium on public education. [more]
  • UT System CIP includes billions for construction – 12/10/2010
    Construction contractors interested in capturing mid- to large-sized projects should not overlook the higher education space and particularly The University of Texas System and its component institutions. The System includes nine universities and six health institutions. [more]
  • Contracting opportunities numerous at colleges – 11/26/2010
    Student enrollment at Texas colleges and universities continues to explode. Between 2008 and 2009, enrollment increased by 122,000 and the same growth patterns have continued through 2010. [more]
  • Health-related opportunities in Texas abundant – 11/12/2010
    Health care reform is creating a huge government marketplace for numerous types of firms. In spite of spending cuts in other areas, government will spend millions in the coming year and hire various types of private-sector firms to implement health care reform and other mandated health-related initiatives. [more]
  • Wanted: government needs planning services – 10/29/2010
    The public sector is often criticized for moving too slowly. However, the pace may not always be a negative. When millions of taxpayer dollars are on the line, public officials should ensure that projects are judiciously planned and executed. [more]
  • Outsourcing and privatizing are on the increase – 10/17/2010
    We are living in unsettling times and government is experiencing dramatic change as a result of the intersection of social and economic issues. Although privatization and outsourcing are concepts that have received negative media coverage in the past, the trend is definitely there for more of both in the future. [more]
  • Bond elections offer contracting opportunities – 10/03/2010
    Every May and November in Texas, voters are asked to approve billions in bond funding for big ticket projects. They usually approve bond packages because the projects included have been vetted and are often critical for the region. [more]
  • Government is a big time spender on vehicles – 09/19/2010
    Each year, governmental entities in Texas spend hundreds of millions of dollars on vehicles. The average taxpayer would be shocked to know how many transportation services are provided and how many vehicles must be maintained. [more]
  • Public entities spend millions for financial services – 08/22/2010
    There are so many contracting opportunities for financial services in the Texas public sector marketplace that this article is the second of a two-part series relating to those services. The previous article focused on the diverse types of contracts available for banking services. [more]
  • Financial services firms are in high demand now – 08/01/2010
    Most readers, and numerous financial firms, do not realize that contracting with public sector entities for financial services is a huge marketplace. The opportunities are endless and the cumulative total of financial service contracts statewide is staggering. [more]
  • Advertising/PR get large government contracts – 07/25/2010
    It may be surprising to some to learn that government is one of the largest consumers of services for marketing, advertising and public relations. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year with outside firms, and it is hard to find a public entity that is not a potential candidate for these services. [more]
  • Public sector construction market is competitive in Texas – 07/04/2010
    The public sector construction market continues to be strong in Texas, especially in the K-12 area. It is, however, highly competitive and may become even more competitive as firms become aware of the revenue potential. [more]
  • Transportation projects offering business opportunities – 06/20/2010
    Transit authorities are launching new initiatives and, as a result, thousands of new contracting opportunities are available in Texas. Most efforts are designed to alleviate traffic congestion, protect air quality or provide better service to citizens and taxpayers. [more]
  • Record systems offer contracting opportunities – 06/06/2010
    Local government collects millions of public documents each year. Public entities collect, store and make data available related to marriage licenses, building permits, court records, restaurant inspections, tax filings, police reports, audits, regulatory matters and more. [more]
  • Public entities have millions to spend on parks – 05/23/2010
    A recent Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) bond package, coupled with the May local government bond elections, made millions available for parks and recreation projects throughout the state. [more]
  • Budget reductions provide contracting opportunities in Texas – 05/09/2010
    As public officials at every level of government begin budgeting for the next fiscal year, most are in painful struggles to shrink gaps between revenues and expenditures. [more]
  • Health care funding is creating opportunities in Texas – 04/25/2010
    The Texas public sector health care marketplace offers hundreds of opportunities for government contractors in the next 12 to 18 months. Federal funding is flowing into the state at historic rates for capital facilities projects, electronic medical records (EMR) and other technology upgrades related to health care. [more]
  • Critical needs ensure water-related contracts in Texas – 04/11/2010
    Water is not only critical to life, but it is also a critical component to the ongoing viability of every region of the state. Throughout Texas, public officials are working to ensure that there is — and will continue to be — adequate water and wastewater infrastructure in their regions. [more]
  • Government looks to spend on energy efficiency – 03/26/2010
    Millions of dollars in energy efficiency stimulus funds were recently awarded to public entities throughout Texas…and millions more are on the way. Texas fared very well in the federal allocation process. [more]
  • Government agencies in need of public safety services – 03/12/2010
    Local governments throughout Texas have public safety needs and money to spend. Federal funds flowing to Texas for public safety initiatives continue to see healthy boosts each year. Funding levels (about $4 billion) have been sustained for 2010 and will most likely be higher in 2011. [more]
  • Bond elections mean contracting opportunities – 02/26/2010
    Interestingly enough, in the last four years — in spite of a downturn in the economy — there has been only a slight drop in the number of local bond elections in Texas. That abnormality is obviously linked to the fact that population growth in Texas continues to escalate and local governments, especially school districts, must expand services. [more]
  • Government needs financial services in 2010 – 02/19/2010
    Governmental entities, on an annual basis, purchase an abundance of financial services. However, with budgets extremely tight in 2010, this could be a banner year for such purchases. [more]
  • Government contractors need to respond quickly – 01/29/2010
    Cooperative purchasing programs are popular in Texas. Government contractors are advised to get their products and services listed with them for a multitude of reasons. In Texas, the time to act is now. [more]
  • Government depends on professional services – 01/01/2010
    Governmental entities, because they use public funds, have a responsibility to ensure that spending decisions are good and that purchases made are in the best public interest. Sounds simple enough, right? Maybe so, but the result is that government officials are encouraged to get outside advice before making large purchasing decisions. [more]
