
  • Government agencies catching wireless wave – 11/17/2003
    It seems people everywhere are becoming “wired” in one way or another. That’s especially true for government workers… [more]
  • It’s smart for vendors to watch ‘smart card’ deals – 10/6/2003
    Smart card technology is sweeping the country. Since May 1, a dozen bids have been issued for smart card technology just for state government and the City of Austin. Opportunities for smart cards exist everywhere… [more]
  • Watch Cap Metro, AISD for vendor opportunities – 9/22/2003
    With the State of Texas fiscal 2004 beginning Sept. 1, all state agencies now have access to legislatively approved funding for the next 24 months… [more]
  • Watch state water board for flow of grant money – 9/8/2003
    The Texas Water Development Board plays an important role in Texas government because it deals with critical water issues. The agency has been able to capture the attention of various types of vendors and service providers for decades… [more]
  • New state laws open up market at state agencies – 8/25/2003
    As a result of state budget problems, numerous new laws were passed that are guaranteed to please companies that sell to public agencies… [more]
  • Vendors can dive into law enforcement pool – 8/11/2003
    Millions of dollars stream into Texas each year as a result of local law enforcement block grants. This funding goes directly to local governmental entities — specifically cities and counties… [more]
  • Homeland defense to be bounty for private firms – 6/30/2003
    An abundance of opportunities will arise in the next three years for companies that offer products and services related to homeland defense… [more]
  • Narrow your focus for seeking agency dollars – 6/16/2003
    There’s no shortage of commercial opportunities for contractors who carefully watch information flowing out of state government… [more]
  • Grant funding could be boon to Texas vendors – 6/2/2003
    Grant funding is expected to rise to $440 billion over the next three years, according to a company that examines federal budgets and grant allocation trends. That’s good news for contractors that do business with government… [more]
  • Legislative proposals would benefit vendors – 5/19/2003
    As the current Texas legislative session winds down, numerous bills offering commercial opportunities are moving through the system… [more]
  • Private vendors to reap benefits of cutbacks – 5/2/2003
    News accounts are filled with talk of budget cuts at government agencies. Despite that, government continues to increase its spending with private sector vendors… [more]
  • Bond packages present education opportunities – 4/21/2003
    It’s almost mind-boggling to see what has been approved in bond packages for schools throughout the country. This public sector marketplace has become extremely flush with money… [more]
  • Business can be built with government money – 4/4/2003
    Texas will receive millions of dollars as a result of the recently passed federal budget. The funding will provide an abundance of opportunities for businesses that provide products or services to state and local government agencies… [more]
  • New marketplace means some new sales tactics – 3/24/2003
    Mega-trends often follow dramatic changes. Marketplaces occasionally experience a “sea change” that leaves environments so changed, some entities never recover… [more]
  • Selling ‘solutions’ can be a company’s revenue solution – 3/7/2003
    The media are saturated with news of budget constraints at all levels of government… [more]
  • E-government opportunities exploding in Texas – 2/17/2003
    If you paid your car registration lately, you might have noticed it’s now possible to handle this task over the Internet…. [more]
