Expert Insights

Expert Insights

As President and CEO of Strategic Partnerships, Inc., Mary Scott Nabers has decades of experience working in the public-private sector. A well-recognized expert in the P3 and government contracting fields, she is often asked to share her industry insights with top publications and through professional speaking engagements. Get an exclusive look at upcoming trends and insider tips from Mary herself on the SPI blog.

Funding for infrastructure projects continues to expand

Funding for infrastructure projects continues to expand

TIPs and STIPs are acronyms for transportation improvement programs at the local and state levels of government. The formal names are ‘Transportation Improvement Program’ and ‘Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.’ They both fund transportation projects and...

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New trends in government procurement worth noting

New trends in government procurement worth noting

Procurement, like everything else, is continually evolving. That is especially true today because so many procurements are large, complex, and one-of-a-kind. The increased use of public-private partnership engagements is also spurring changes in the way projects are...

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$2 billion in funding announced for new projects statewide

$2 billion in funding announced for new projects statewide

The director of a federal program with a very long name - Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity - just announced that more than $2 billion has just been awarded to officials at the state and local levels of government. The new funding was...

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Feasibility Studies signal high interest in upcoming  projects

Feasibility Studies signal high interest in upcoming projects

It is impossible to predict with certainty the total success of any new, complex project, but public officials strive to do everything possible to lessen risk factors. A feasibility study is one way to examine the practicality of any project. The final report outlines...

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Port projects continue to launch throughout the country

Port projects continue to launch throughout the country

Ports across the United States are always active, but they are rarely as busy as they are currently. New project launches have become the norm, and there is an abundance of funding available now and for the next several years for critical infrastructure projects at...

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A sweeping trend that will impact almost every industry

A sweeping trend that will impact almost every industry

The significance of electrification, a trend now sweeping America, must be noted. Its economic impact will be historic, and numerous industries will be changed forever. More than half a trillion dollars has already been allocated through federal programs to fund...

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