NYC launches $8.7B jail project to replace Rikers Island facility
New York – Officials at the New York Department of Design and Construction (DDC) are undertaking an $8.7 billion effort to construct four city jails in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx that would allow for the closure of its Rikers Island Jail Complex. DDC recently awarded a contract for program and project management to a joint venture that will create four separate design-build management teams, one for each borough jail in the project.
Rikers Island
The city’s goal is to create a jail system that is smaller, safer, and fairer and to ensure that the city’s jails are humane, productive locations for employees and detainees. Another objective is to integrate the facilities’ designs in operations and architecture into existing neighborhoods to serve as civic assets to the community. DDC officials anticipate issuing a request for qualifications (RFQ) for design and construction between December 2019 and April 2020.