Killeen City Council approved a $645 million master plan update for the Killeen-Fort Hood Regional Airport on March 10 that outlines many projects already underway and slated through 2037.
The city’s consulting firm split the projects into three phases: short-term from 2018 through 2022; mid-term from 2023 to 2027; and long-term from 2028 to 2037.

Another long-term project is the 2,000-foot runway extension to the south for $29.9 million that includes parallel taxiways on each side, relocation of an approach lighting system, and reroute of Ivy Mountain Road. Other projects in this phase include the $11.5 million widening of Taxiway B and $13.55 million in Level 2 terminal improvements to consolidate a security checkpoint, relocate and expand restrooms, expand a holdroom, and add secure concessions with open seating.
Mid-term projects totaling $61.59 million include a runway rehabilitation for $9 million, the first phase of construction of a hangar apron for $8.8 million, and Level 1 and Level 2 terminal improvements for $6.65 million and $8.05 million, respectively.
The $7.4 million rehabilitation of Taxiway B is scheduled for 2022 in the short-term phase along with several smaller projects.
Airport officials plan to apply for $492.9 million from the U.S. Department of Defense to and $49.5 million in grants from the Federal Aviation Administration to help finance the projects.