
May 10th 2023 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers

Government can be extremely confusing, and it is often difficult to get information about how things work. So, now that there is so much public funding available for projects of all types, it seems important to raise the visibility of good funding sources and try to help people know how to access them. Infrastructure investment […]

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May 5th 2023 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, News, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers

Local governments have no shortage of reasons to invest in new parks. The available funding is incredibly abundant. It’s available because park enhancement projects deliver so many critical benefits – coastal resilience, economic development, greener environments, community enhancements and improved connectivity. Public park projects can be funded from many sources, but one very lucrative source […]

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May 3rd 2023 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers

The significance of electrification, a trend now sweeping America, must be noted. Its economic impact will be historic, and numerous industries will be changed forever. More than half a trillion dollars has already been allocated through federal programs to fund electrification of the country’s infrastructure. It’s important to remember that infrastructure covers all basic physical […]

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Apr 28th 2023 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Photo courtesy of the Architect of the Capitol

Most citizens understood what ‘Congressional earmarks’ were in the past but then new rules were adopted and earmarks were no longer allowed. Now, however, earmarks are back, and it is important to watch them because they signal upcoming projects that will be of high interest to many firms. Congressional elected officials are now tagging bills […]

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Apr 26th 2023 | Posted in Education by Government Contracting Pipeline
Ellis Library. Courtesy of the University of Missouri.

The University of Missouri (UM) System Board of Curators recently approved a capital improvement plan that includes several renovations and new facilities. The approval allows university officials to engage architects to create designs for potential future projects. A major project included in the approved plan is the design of a new nuclear research reactor, NextGen […]

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Apr 26th 2023 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Build America Bureau has a new funding and resource program designed to help communities launch large projects. It’s called Thriving Communities and it was created by passage of the Appropriations Act. The program will provide an abundance of funding, assistance and other resources to communities ready to launch infrastructure projects […]

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Apr 20th 2023 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers

Natural disasters are becoming more regular and more intense. Thousands of lives have been lost over the last several years and trillions of dollars have been spent on the accumulated damage. The growing cost of coping and dealing with the aftermath of weather events has made one thing abundantly clear – investing in resilience makes […]

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Apr 20th 2023 | Posted in Public-Private Partnerships (P3) by Texas Government Insider
Photo: Artist rendering of the proposed Brazos River harbor. Courtesy of the city of Waco.

Downtown Waco’s future may include a baseball stadium, cinema complex, performing arts center, a river boardwalk and a complex of large municipal and private office buildings. The plans are part of a consultant possible solution to consolidating scattered city operations and reimagining the downtown area from Mary Avenue to Waco Drive. Schematic drawings show mid-rise […]

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Apr 20th 2023 | Posted in Education by Government Contracting Pipeline

Idaho colleges and universities will receive almost $73 million for building projects, as approved during the 2023 legislative session. Boise State University is approved to receive $17.9 million. The money fund a 100,000-square-foot science research building to create additional classroom, lab and office space for biology, biochemistry, chemistry and physics programs. Boise State will look […]

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