Florida – As the Hillsborough County commissioners refine the county’s proposed $6.71 billion budget for fiscal year 2021, they also are reviewing a Recommended Capital Improvement Program FY 21-FY 25 draft that totals $1.5 billion.
The county’s Recommended FY 21-FY 25 Transportation Program totals $751.4 million and includes funding for bridge replacements, Bell Shoals Road widening, bridge repairs, intersection improvements, sidewalks, pavement preservation, paved shoulders, and safety improvements.
Several projects were created as part of the Hillsborough County One Water Campus including the Hillsborough County One Water Campus wastewater treatment and collection project.
This project will co-locate a new wastewater reclamation facility with a new potable water treatment facility, as well as construct conveyance and pumping systems for wastewater and reclaimed water at a total cost of $440.1 million.
A set of consolidated and hardened maintenance facilities projects funded in large part by a 2019 bond will design and construct four new facilities for the Public Works, Public Utilities, and Fleet Services Departments to replace the west, east, and south service units and the Traffic Operations/Maintenance Facility at Sabal Park. The current facilities are 40 to 50 years old and are near the end of their useful lives. The new facilities will provide efficient and secure shelter for pre- and post-disaster response.
One new project has been added to the Solid Waste Enterprise Capital Budget. The Hillsborough County Material Recovery Facility (MRF) project is planned to be a 35-ton per hour, single-stream recycling facility designed to process the County’s residential recyclables and operated via a public-private partnership (P3).
Phase 2 of the Brandon Library replacement project would provide $10.5 million in funds to design and construct a new, expanded, and relocated library in Brandon. Funds also may be used for improvements to the existing facility. Six continuing projects will renovate existing libraries at Austin Davis, Fendig, Lutz, North Tampa, Southshore, and Town ‘N Country.
The South County Cultural Arts Center project will develop options for locations, scope, and cost for a $3.1 million cultural arts center in the Southshore area of Hillsborough County. Various options will be considered, including partnering with Hillsborough Community College.
County commissioners are scheduled to conduct two public hearings on the budget on September 10 and 17 before they adopt it.