El Paso councilmembers unanimously approved a $178 million five-year capital improvement plan (CIP) for the city’s international airport on March 14.
The plan is divided into three sections for short-term construction projects, mid-term design projects, and long-term programmed projects.

El Paso International Airport

A three-phase $25 million project to remediate Runway 8 and its five-node intersection tops the list of programming for fiscal years 2024 to 2026. Completion will reduce taxiway intersections, runway incursions, conflicting fleet mix, expansive pavement, and pilot confusion.

Other projects included for programming in the CIP are a $17.7 million effort to rehabilitate Runway 8R-26L to extend its useable life, terminal renovations estimated at $20.5 million, construction of an $8.13 million west cargo apron connector and Runway 22 Run-Up, and $8 million pavement rehabilitation.
Some of the design and construction projects that are upcoming or already underway include a $11.55 million realignment and extension of Taxiway V, $7.12 million reconstruction of Taxiways J and K2 to resolve failing pavement and eliminate direct access from the ramp to the runway. Another $2.68 million is planned for annual HVAC upgrades, and $2 million is programmed for parking lot infrastructure improvements.
A $15.93 million project to extend George Perry Drive and Constitution is planned for design in the CIP as is a $13.94 million relocation of Taxiway M to align it with the Runway 8R threshold. Nearly $4 million in general improvements are scheduled for the terminal, a $3.7 million bypass for Bert Williams/Iron Dust Off is in the works, and a $3.5 million project is planned for three passenger notification systems.
The airport also is considering a micro grid feasibility study and a partnership with El Paso Electric to build a 40-acre airfield site for solar electric generation to offset energy consumption of several city buildings.