Procurement, like everything else, is continually evolving. That is especially true today because so many procurements are large, complex, and one-of-a-kind. The increased use of public-private partnership engagements is also spurring changes in the way projects are...
Downtown Waco’s future may include a baseball stadium, cinema complex, performing arts center, a river boardwalk and a complex of large municipal and private office buildings. The plans are part of a consultant possible solution to consolidating scattered city...
A feasibility study will be released soon to assist the Chambers County Commissioners Court in deciding whether to choose a public-private partnership (P3) or a bond referendum for a justice complex. The county, in 2022, looked at publishing a solicitation for a P3...
The University of Utah will enter a public-private partnership (P3) to build 5,000 student housing units by 2030. A P3 will allow the university to build and own the much-needed beds and save on tuition and state funding for other projects. The University of Utah...
The governor of Tennessee has presented a statewide transportation plan that includes public-private partnerships (P3) for “choice lanes.” Drivers would have paid access to these lanes during times of heavy traffic congestion. The funds from the choice lanes would...
Michigan — The University of Michigan Board of Regents approved a plan on October 20 that will allow the university to enter into a public-private partnership (P3) with an experienced, outside child care provider to design, build, and operate a center. The university...