May 27th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
earth technology WEB 340x240 Big changes lie ahead … best to watch them carefully

America’s shifting social, political, economic, and environmental conditions have created rapid change. Leaders in industry and government are scrambling to respond. Their immediate focus appears to be on worker shortages, increasing costs, supply chain disruptions, and public safety but those issues are only at the top of an issues iceberg that looms large. In 2021, […]

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May 20th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
broadband installation on cell tower WEB 340x240 Funding for broadband expansion now available throughout the country

For entirely too many years, millions of U.S. citizens have struggled with little, if any, access to broadband. However, plans are evolving quickly now to resolve that problem. Congress has approved dozens of funding programs that allocate billions for broadband. State legislators throughout the U.S. also have allocated billions for broadband connectivity. The broadband expansion […]

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May 18th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Maryland Purple Line Project 340x240 Federal Authorities now launching programs to promote Public Private Partnerships

Someone asked me recently if public-private partnerships (P3s) are just a fad or a delivery method that will ultimately be the country’s future. There’s no doubt about the answer. Public-private partnerships are here to stay. The federal government, realizing that public funding alone cannot cover critical infrastructure needs, continues to provide funding incentives, tax credits, […]

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May 13th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
futuristic server WEB 340x240 New government budgets feature significant increases in tech allocations

Technology has altered the way individuals participate in work, travel, entertainment, and health care. It also has changed the way government provides services. Technology purchases of upgrades and enhancements are required, and that will not change. The value of the benefits that result far outweigh the cost. A study of new statewide budgets confirms that […]

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May 11th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Destination Crenshaw Sankofa Park 340x240 New funding options spurring economic development initiatives

In past years, economic development initiatives often required funding that governmental entities were not able to provide. Now, however, many projects to stimulate the economy are delivered through public-private partnerships (P3s) taking advantage of funding and tax incentives available through a federal program. The Department of the Treasury’s New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program provides […]

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May 6th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Interstate Highway System Fort Worth 340x240 Massive federal funds accelerating improvements to U.S. interstates

For generations of Americans, the interstate system has been an icon representing infrastructural achievement. However, over the decades, the network of roadways has faced continuous use and declining upkeep and maintenance. After decades, the skeletal fiber of infrastructure needs immediate attention and investment. Finally, there is funding to begin the process of upgrading the country’s […]

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May 4th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
business meeting video call WEB 340x240 This trend will significantly impact public and private sector leaders

Public officials in government are asking difficult questions about how to deliver critical infrastructure projects. Their concern is real, and their questions are valid because the trend of delivering large projects through public-private partnerships (P3s) is becoming more compelling every day. Government leaders are feeling pressure to consider P3s as a new delivery method for […]

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Apr 29th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Hurricane Irma WEB 340x240 Weather related disasters creating need for public, private sector services

Climate change has been the cause of immeasurable damage over the last few decades, and there is no end in sight. In addition to the tragic loss of lives, natural disasters have impacted at least some part of the infrastructure in every region of the country. To halt the devastation, the federal government has allocated […]

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Apr 27th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
high school hallway WEB 340x240 Historic amounts of funding flowing to K 12 school campuses

As students file out of classrooms for summer break, school campuses will become the epicenter for an abundance of seasonal construction projects. This summer the projects are likely to be large. School officials were recently notified that the federal government has now made another $500 million grant program available to school campuses. This most recent […]

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Apr 22nd 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
police scanner WEB 340x240 A nationwide focus on enhancing public safety provides collaborative opportunities of all types

Public safety is an extremely high priority for government officials, and a renewed focus on improving it has resulted in large funding allocations. Public safety assets throughout the country are outdated and long overdue for modernization. With funding now available, new equipment, technology and services are being purchased at a rapid pace. In Phoenix, city […]

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Apr 20th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Parma High School 340x240 A multi trillion dollar marketplace offers opportunities for every type of business

The government marketplace is huge – so large, in fact, that it is almost impossible to identify any one product or service that is not purchased by public entities. Unlike the commercial sector, the government marketplace is transparent, and upcoming opportunities of every size and type may be found at any time. One of the […]

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Apr 14th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
AZ Coyotes Tempe arena rendering 340x240 New P3 models are energizing revenue generating projects, delighting citizens

What an interesting moment of time Americans are experiencing today in the government marketplace. The abundance of available funding is so new, some public officials are hesitant to spend it. But, in other jurisdictions, innovation is rampant and visionary leaders are launching large projects with abandon. Water resources, citizen services, cleaner air, increased public safety, […]

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Apr 13th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
MQ 9 Reaper UAV 340x240 New wave of funding available for border crossing projects

America faces a new chapter in border security as federal mandates and border restrictions are lifted that have been in place since the outbreak of COVID. If the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is correct, daily border crossings will soon surge by thousands. To counter the accompanying challenges, new programs have been designed and funded […]

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Apr 8th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
freight rail WEB 340x240 Freight rail infrastructure stands to gain from new federal funding

Railways — once the backbone of timely freight shipping — are now strained by bottlenecks, congestion, labor shortages, supply disruptions, and what some classify as exorbitant costs. However, there is change in the wind. When freight shipping is stalled, it results in a devastating impact on the global supply chain. That impacts everyone … and […]

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Apr 6th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
greenhouse WEB 340x240 Billions in new earmarks producing noteworthy opportunities

After more than a decade, Congress is again allowing federal earmarks, and when the recent omnibus appropriations bill was passed, billions became available for new, upcoming projects. While highly populated areas of the U.S. received large funding allocations, rural areas also received millions for projects that have been on wish lists for a very long […]

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Apr 1st 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
business meeting double exposure 340x240 Guidance to consider and changes to recognize when collaborating with governmental entities

Here is something no one expected! Public officials throughout the country are struggling with the task of managing large amounts of federal funding currently flowing to them. The revenue is conditioned on rules, compliance, and often a requirement to submit an application to obtain the dollars. Most cities and counties have no systems in place […]

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Mar 30th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
aquarium WEB 340x240 Another source of federal funding will launch new opportunities for public private collaborations

Public officials and economic development organizations throughout the country are now eligible to receive large amounts of federal funding which have been allocated for projects related to tourism, recreation, and revenue-generating venues. The new funding available amounts to approximately $750 million. Because the pandemic significantly damaged operations related to public assets that attracted tourism, served […]

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Mar 25th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
cybersecurity WEB 340x240 As cybersecurity fears lead to increased compliance, impact will be widespread

The White House just released a list of stepped-up guidelines related to cybersecurity. The alert is an indication of how genuine the Administration’s concern is about cyberbreaches. The latest communication is likely tied to evolving intelligence indicating that Russia may be planning a cyber-offensive against critical U.S. infrastructure. Federal cybersecurity rules have been in place […]

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Mar 23rd 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Port of Seattle 340x240 Modernizing America’s ports will require all types of expertise

Port operations throughout the world were damaged when the pandemic occurred. The effects of COVID were significant and the problems have lingered. Supply chain disruptions, port congestion, cruise ship restrictions, budgets stretched to the limit, and limited resources – these are but a few disruptions that still plague port officials. Now, however, there is an […]

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Mar 18th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
 Transportation contracting alert – changes to expect soon

Roadway contracting over the next several years will be noticeably different. The most common new components to anticipate are various types of innovative technology. Demand also will be high for multimodal enhancements such as walking and biking lanes, environmental landscaping designed to calm motorists, and electronic signage. As the country’s infrastructure is expanded, enhanced, and […]

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Mar 16th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Hoboken NJ flooding Oct 2012 340x240 Billions in funding now available for resilience projects

Companies with service offerings and/or capabilities associated with resilience projects would be wise to check their current registration status with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Small and minority firms should definitely reach out to check their status and learn more about special benefits their certification categories provide to prime contractors. This alert to […]

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Mar 11th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
airport airplane 340x240 Airports among the first to receive federal infrastructure funding

Funding allocations from the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are arriving early for airport improvement projects relative to other federal tranches, and now there is visibility into planned upcoming opportunities throughout the country. Companies that offer planning and design services are already working on pre-procurement documents. Billions will be spent to upgrade facilities, expand taxiways, […]

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Mar 9th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Mercer Island park2 340x240 Bounty of large parks projects available to contractors

Citizens and taxpayers may be surprised to learn that massive amounts of funding are now available for upgrading parks, planting trees, creating additional bike trails, and developing all types of areas for cultural events and community gatherings. Land values will be enhanced, jobs will be created, tourism will flourish, and there will be an abundance […]

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Mar 4th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
cybersecurity control center WEB 340x240 Funding is flowing for cybersecurity efforts in every government jurisdiction

Cybersecurity, cyberbreaches, attack agents, global threats – these words are frightening to IT professionals throughout the country. Every media outlet, however, reminds us that these words signal an alarm to citizens, taxpayers, non-profits, and private-sector companies. Cyberbreaches are extremely dangerous, and they are occurring somewhere in America almost every day. Cyberattacks are widening in their […]

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Mar 2nd 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
 Understanding the ever expanding federal CDBG program is vital

A program that has been in existence for decades is currently attractive enough to be called ‘a hot commodity.’ The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) oversees the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program that invests federal revenues in local projects. Over the years, it has become one of the most sought-after funding […]

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