Jan 17th 2020 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities, Public-Private Partnerships (P3) by Mary Scott Nabers
steelworkers 1029665 340x240 New Types of Public Private Partnerships are Evolving

State and federal governments are providing significant funding for collaborative land deals that boost economic development. While some of this activity has occurred in the past, it was definitely not on the scale that is now evident. And, most of the current funding is flowing to public-private partnerships. Opportunity Zones and Public Private Partnerships Not […]

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Jan 8th 2020 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Lake BorgneWEB 340x240 New year will provide thousands of opportunities for government contractors

By all accounts, 2020 is shaping up to be a banner year for government contracting. Following years of growth since the last recession, the year has begun with gusto. Earlier fears that the marketplace might be fragile because of government uncertainty seem to have vanished. Public officials are announcing large new project launches on a […]

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Jan 3rd 2020 | Posted in Opportunities by Texas Government Insider
New Braunfels2 340x240 New Braunfels utility planning 2 major wastewater infrastructure improvements

New Braunfels Utilities (NBU) is moving forward on two critical wastewater infrastructure projects as part of its five-year $587 million capital improvement plan. NBU is planning a $52.9 million expansion of its North and South Kuehler wastewater treatment plant to combine two existing permits into one discharge permit with a single outfall location. The expansion will […]

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Jan 3rd 2020 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Dublin USD Future High School 3 340x240 Billions will be spent on public school campus projects in coming months

Public school campuses are always busy places, but in about five months many of them will experience a different kind of activity. That’s because numerous school districts will launch major construction projects in the few summer months when students are not on campus. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, projected student growth between […]

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Dec 20th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
planning documentsWEB 340x240 Planning documents offer insightful information for government contracting firms

Most citizens find planning documents a little boring. That’s not the case, however, for government contractors. For them, such documents are extremely interesting. In fact, savvy contracting firms know there’s gold to be found in planning documents. Almost every large upcoming project at every governmental jurisdiction is well documented somewhere in a detailed plan that […]

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Dec 16th 2019 | Posted in Opportunities by Government Contracting Pipeline
Oklahoma City downtown 340x240 OKC voters approve $978M public improvement program

Oklahoma – Voters approved the MAPS 4 sales tax proposition by more than 71 percent on December 10 that will fund 16 public improvement projects in Oklahoma City. MAPS, which was first known as the Metropolitan Area Projects, is funded by a temporary penny sales tax that is expected to raise $978 million over the next […]

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Dec 11th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
New York subway 340x240 Interested in 2020 contracting opportunities? Follow government studies underway now!

When public entities commission a study, it’s safe to assume that one or more, usually large, projects will follow. For some companies, following government studies is how they manage to get ahead of their competitors. Most large government projects require a study of some sort – project feasibility, projected population growth, transportation patterns, public transit […]

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Dec 6th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
park trail benchWEB 340x240 Cities will launch hundreds of expanded and diversified park projects in 2020
Panorama of a beautiful city park

Most citizens appreciate parks, and many are regular visitors. However, the public at large rarely contemplates the economic impact of parks. And, too many companies overlook hundreds of contracting opportunities associated with parks. Parks are responsible for billions in annual economic activity. In 2018, community volunteers contributed 15.9 million hours improving local parks. Government agencies […]

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Nov 20th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
CSJ 340x240 Change is rampant on university campuses

Government funding continues to shrink for public colleges and universities. At the same time, there is a public outcry for lower tuition, on-line courses, and easy access to education. Education officials seek relief and many are finding it through collaborative initiatives. The federal government is encouraging, incentivizing and occasionally directing collaborative initiatives. President Donald Trump […]

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Nov 15th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
tech city web 340x240 Technology is changing government exponentially
Internet of Things (IoT) links the physical and digital worlds, creating smart environments through digital technologies to drive actionable insights, aka Industrial Internet and Internet of Machines.

Technology has altered our lives. It consumes us as individuals and impacts almost everything in the world around us on a daily basis. Emails, texts, instant news, apps of every kind, GPS, Google searches, and Siri are part of everyday life. Technology also has become a critical component of government, infrastructure, security, health care, and […]

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Nov 6th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
computer 1185626 340x240 Government officials bringing broadband and high speed internet to all citizens

It’s difficult and costly to deliver broadband or high-speed internet to rural communities. And, there’s no way to generate enough revenue to make it worth the effort for private sector companies. Yet, broadband is a critical component of education, economic development, home-based health care, eldercare, professional education, social engagement, and e-government. High-speed networks provide a […]

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Oct 25th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities, Public-Private Partnerships (P3) by Mary Scott Nabers
University of Iowa 1 340x240 Don’t Discount National Shift to Public Private Partnerships
The University of Iowa is a public flagship state-supported research university located in Iowa City, Iowa.

Public-private partnerships (P3s) are being launched somewhere in the U.S. every day. Public officials with critical project needs are seeking alternative funding sources, and almost any version of a P3 is attractive to them. Since the trend appears to be the future, here’s a sampling of what is happening currently. Upcoming Public-Private Partnerships Opportunities in […]

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Oct 16th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
MARTA rider 340x240 Public transportation – changing lives and offering thousands of contracting opportunities

Transportation congestion is surging. Demand for roadway access exceeds capacity, and something must be done. Time is lost, air quality is compromised, and motorists are frustrated to the point of exhaustion. Messages delivered by public officials in the past have fallen on deaf ears in many parts of the country. Americans continue to resist all […]

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Oct 11th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
school construction 340x240 November bond elections expected to generate billions in revenue for projects

When bond elections are as abundant as they are this year, there’s no doubt    thousands of new opportunities will be available for companies to interact with governmental entities. The demand for services of all types will be huge. Government leaders at every jurisdictional level of government need funding for specific projects, and when the revenue […]

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Oct 2nd 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Seattle2 340x240 Interested in upcoming contracting opportunities?

Strange as it sounds, budget documents are always interesting reading. That’s especially true when they come from public entities. Government officials, at every jurisdictional level of government, are required to prepare and approve budgets. That’s not an easy or quick task. In fact, public officials spend months documenting anticipated revenues and planned expenditures. Because of […]

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Sep 27th 2019 | Posted in Opportunities by Government Contracting Pipeline
Central Park rendering 340x240 Central Parks northern end getting $150M revamp

New York – The northern end of Central Park is getting a major revamp that includes a new recreational facility and landscape fixes. A total of $150 million will be spent on all components of the plan. Harlem Meer’s surrounding landscape will be restored and include better pedestrian circulation. The project calls for a boardwalk to […]

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Sep 25th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
automated vehicles 340x240 Smart city innovations are the future and should be monitored

Changes are occurring at warp speed, and it’s extremely difficult for busy individuals to stay abreast of what is happening in every area of business. But, it is important to know about government changes because lifestyles and business practices are being impacted in significant ways. Companies that sell to government must remain conversant and understand […]

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Sep 20th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Los Padres wildfire 340x240 Funding is slow but always available for disaster recovery projects

Looking for a diverse and lucrative public-sector marketplace? If so, don’t overlook upcoming opportunities related to natural disaster recovery in regions that were ravaged by floods, fires, and other weather-related disasters. Demand for private-sector firms to provide services in these regions is extremely high. The U.S. led the world in catastrophes in 2018, and the […]

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Sep 11th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
UNT at Frisco 340x240 Hundreds of campus projects launching throughout the U.S.

Student enrollment in colleges and universities throughout the U.S. continues to grow. Data tells us that no matter what the economy does, young men and women realize the importance of getting a degree. Statistics from the Institute of Education Services point to the fact that even during the Great Recession from 2007-2009, student enrollments maintained […]

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Sep 6th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Indianapolis golf course 340x240 Local governments launch repurposing projects to develop revenue sources

Significant changes are taking place in local communities at the various jurisdictional levels of government. And, a majority of the changes are related to revenue generation efforts by public officials. That’s because public funding, although stretched to the limit in most regions, no longer covers many critical government requirements. The emerging changes are significant, and […]

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Aug 23rd 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
chess 340x240 Public procurement takes a turn worthy of note

Some seasoned government contracting firms have spent decades studying ‘best practices’ associated with winning new business. They know exactly what it takes, and because of that, they incur less risk when pursuing projects. These firms also win lots of government business. Other firms, however, are not quite as knowledgeable. They know enough to be successful […]

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Aug 14th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
recreation center 340x240 New quality of life facilities in demand throughout the U.S.

Municipal leaders have stressful and difficult jobs. Elected officials and tenured public servants struggle to provide more citizen services with less funding and fewer municipal resources. Public leaders at the local levels of government are guided by mandates that could easily be categorized as ‘stretch goals’. And, they provide services to a diverse group of […]

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Aug 9th 2019 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Metro L.A. bus 340x240 Infrastructure upgrades and expansions offer new contracting opportunities worth billions

Transportation infrastructure will stimulate the U.S. economy significantly over the next few years. Hundreds of large projects have been announced; so many in fact, it should be possible for almost every type of contracting firm to find attractive opportunities. Regional transit leaders in Ann Arbor, Michigan, recently released a $10 billion transit plan. Upcoming opportunities […]

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