Jul 16th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Sound Transit light rail platform 340x240 Follow the money for transportation contracting opportunities in America

People are on the move again, and many are relying on public transit. In fact, transit ridership is up more than 80 percent since 2020, according to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and other grant programs have provided billions in funding for transit authorities nationwide. If Congress passes the […]

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Jul 9th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
P3 Airport Summit 340x240 Upcoming conferences shine spotlight on public sector opportunities, trends

Industry leaders and public officials are gathering for a July 19-20 conference in California to work on ‘best practices’ related to infrastructure and collaborative initiatives. The objectives of the P3 Airport Summit will be to provide information, guidance, and networking opportunities to public owners and private sector contractors and investors. The primary focus of this […]

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Jul 7th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Tampa Bay Regional Surface Water Treatment Plant Weir filters WEB 340x240 Nation’s aging water infrastructure thirsts for faster action

America’s water infrastructure may soon get the attention it deserves now that funding is available. Billions of dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) are on the way to public officials throughout the U.S. Most states are allocating additional funding as well, and many local officials will take advantage of consolidating the two new […]

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Jul 2nd 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
digital ID WEB 340x240 This digitization trend will impact individuals and offer opportunities

The world is changing rapidly, and technology is morphing so quickly that individual lives are being impacted in ways that may have escaped notice. Staying abreast of life-changing trends has never been harder. One more recent trend is worthy of note – a steady shift toward all individuals having digital IDs. Numerous states have either […]

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Jun 25th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Smart Cities cars on highway WEB 340x240 Visionary municipalities lead way for Smart City contracting opportunities

Smart City competition continues, and benefits are coming not only to citizens at the local level of government but also to the entire country as new initiatives are launched, tested, and perfected. Recognition for exemplary effort is now more prevalent than ever as states and national organizations seek out and reward public agencies for visionary […]

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Jun 21st 2021 | Posted in Opportunities by Government Contracting Pipeline
VA Richmond 300 City Center Small Plan rendering 340x240 Richmond master plan to shape equitable development
Richmond 300 - City Center plan rendering

Virginia – To achieve its vision for the next 20 years, the city of Richmond is planning to direct development in specific areas guided by its new master plan, “Richmond 300: A Guide for Growth.” To begin implementing the plan, the city intends to re-write its zoning ordinances to encourage equitable growth through a Draft City […]

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Jun 16th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
 More federal funding available for disaster mitigation projects

At a time when an abundance of federal funding is already aiding state and local governments, even more is about to be released. This new funding will be allocated to public entities to support critical projects related to disaster mitigation. The funding will come from a Hazard Mitigation Assistance program within the Federal Emergency Management […]

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Jun 11th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
 Cybersecurity rising among America’s infrastructure priorities

Less than a month ago, President Biden released his proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2022 that includes $9.8 billion in funding for cybersecurity enhancements. Cyberbreaches are making the headlines too often – almost on a weekly basis – and those are only the attacks that are reported. Not only are the breaches costly, but they […]

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Jun 2nd 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
computer classroom 340x240 Federal relief funds continue to flow to school districts

Public schools have been granted approximately $190.5 billion in new funding from the federal government. In 2020 and 2021, Congress passed three stimulus bills that provided funding to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. It came in three tranches: ESSER I: The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, passed in […]

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May 28th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
lead pipes WEB 340x240 Drive to replace lead pipes leads to many contracting opportunities

We rarely stop to consider how difficult it is to be a government leader. The responsibility to identify critical needs, focus on eminent dangers, ensure public safety, and provide citizen services are monumental tasks. Consider this: An estimated 400,000 schools and child-care facilities as well as millions of homes rely on water from toxic lead […]

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May 19th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
bridge WEB 340x240 Local officials addressing infrastructure needs as federal plan stalls

Earlier this month, the country celebrated another annual Infrastructure Week. For the last nine years, leaders have convened from across America to highlight the critical role infrastructure plays in the economy, job creation, public health, and national security. But, for many years the celebrations have been rather mild since there has been little to celebrate. […]

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May 14th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
classroom 340x240 ARP funding to boost school safety, technology upgrades across the U.S.

Congress sent some rather clear messages with passage of the American Rescue Plan (ARP), and the importance of education is undoubtedly top of mind. Based on the sheer volume of school safety allocations, protecting our nation’s students is a high priority with the Biden administration and a majority in Congress. Although many governmental entities will […]

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May 7th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Irving Criminal Justice Center 340x240 Successful bond elections signal stabilizing government activity

Try to read a newspaper or listen to a newscast without being reminded that the country is beginning to return to normalcy. Activity can be found everywhere. Projects, initiatives, and opportunities are being announced daily. The activity level in government marketplaces is close to an all-time high. Pent up demand and critical issues are driving […]

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May 5th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
electric buses WEB 340x240 Shifting trends noticeable in forthcoming government projects

The government marketplace is changing rapidly, and strong trends point to a future environment that is quite different. The evolution that is occurring will impact all industry sectors as well as government. America leads the world with 16 percent of the global green economy, according to a recent research report from Palgrave Communications. That translates […]

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Apr 30th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
2021 2022 forecast WEB 340x240 What to expect in late 2021, early 2022

Public officials at the state and local jurisdictions of government have overcome the first quarter of 2021, but with so many looming problems and issues, most are struggling to establish their highest priorities. Which problem needs the most immediate attention? Is it homelessness at the city level, funding shortages at school districts, broadband issues statewide, […]

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Apr 28th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
American Rescue Plan 340x240 Details continue to emerge on ARP funding uses

Cities, counties, school districts, colleges, universities, health-care facilities, and public transit authorities are all on stand-by awaiting billions in new funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARP). Surprisingly, a few states are still holding federal revenue received through the CARES Act for COVID relief, often to the frustration of local public leaders. Contractors, taxpayers, public […]

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Apr 21st 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
water bubbles 340x240 America is bordering on a water infrastructure crisis

There is no disagreement — water is a precious asset. Without water, there is no path to survival or sustainability on the planet. Cities, counties, states, industry, trees, plants, crops, animals, and individuals cannot survive without adequate water resources. In America’s overall drive to sustainability, water is one of the most critical components. Yet, America’s […]

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Apr 14th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Salt Lake City capital skyline WEB 340x240 States take up infrastructure gauntlet as debate mires Congress

President Biden’s proposed infrastructure bill is front and center in Congressional offices, but it is the American Jobs Plan that is getting more attention. This proposed bill from the Biden administration also includes an abundance of funding for infrastructure. Some of the allocations include the following: $115 billion to repair and rebuild bridges, highways, and […]

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Apr 9th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
renewable energy solar wind WEB 340x240 Proposed infrastructure bill would stimulate capital energy projects

President Biden recently introduced a massive infrastructure bill designed to reshape the U.S. economy while addressing infrastructure reform. Biden’s stated goal is to achieve 100 percent carbon-free power by 2035. The proposal also includes $100 billion in funding to upgrade and strengthen the country’s electric grid system, which has been weakened by worsening climate disasters. […]

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Apr 7th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
business partnership handshake 340x240 Moving from difficult days to a brighter economic outlook

When Harvard and other major universities begin offering courses to students and professionals focused on public-private partnerships (P3s), it is worthy of notice. When Wall Street announces programs designed around building revenue models for collaborating with government, it is a bellwether of change. And, when organizations hold conferences structured around P3s and thousands of public […]

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Mar 31st 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
 Billions in education contracting opportunities flowing from ARP

The much-anticipated funding made available by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) is now moving. The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has released $81 billion in funding that is destined to reach public school districts in every state. This first release of funding represents about two thirds of what is available for K-12 school districts. The […]

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Mar 26th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
 ESG – a trend destined to impact government contracting

Industry leaders, investors, regulators, rating agencies, and governmental entities are all watching a strong trend that will likely become a competitive factor in government contracting in the future. The significance of the trend’s impact cannot yet be calculated, but it could be substantial. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has been a topic of discussion at […]

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Mar 23rd 2021 | Posted in Opportunities by Texas Government Insider
Port of Galveston Terminal A rendering 340x240 Terminal construction set for Galveston port
Port of Galveston Terminal A rendering

Beating its deadline by several weeks, a major cruise line committed to starting construction in April on a new $100 million cruise terminal to serve one of the largest cruise ships in the world at the Port of Galveston. Through a public-private partnership, the cruise line will build the terminal, then lease it from the […]

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Mar 19th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
water purification filter equipment WEB 340x240 $500M now available for pre disaster mitigation projects

Climate change and the need for mitigation efforts for disaster control have resulted in more federal funding available for public entities throughout the U.S.   The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) soon will  distribute up to $500 million from a new Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program for pre-disaster mitigation projects. The funding […]

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Mar 17th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
change block letters 340x240 Changes are rampant   new funding will result in even more

Change is occurring incredibly fast – so fast, in fact, it is somewhat challenging to keep up with everything. COVID data is more positive, an extremely encouraging shift. Congress has approved billions in funding for citizens, schools, hospitals, and state and local governments – more welcome news. First-time programs, resources, and funding are available for […]

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