Feb 25th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
 Changing trends require new paths to successful government opportunities

A changing world is never completely predictable … but it is not hard to identify a few emerging trends that have already resulted in massive change – change destined to impact the future. Success for individuals, businesses, and governmental entities will depend on how quickly new trends and changes are recognized … because some adapting […]

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Feb 23rd 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
tunnel WEB 340x240 Tunnel and bridge projects gaining traction in every state

Tunnel construction, a lynchpin for many critical infrastructure projects, will be front and center for the next several years. Bridge work will be just as abundant. Tunnels enable seamless transportation, contribute to the efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities, and enhance flood mitigation efforts. Bridges are required for seamless transportation as well, and thousands of America’s […]

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Feb 18th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
accessibility wheelchair WEB 340x240 Accessibility compliance   a requisite for billions in infrastructure funding

A law that people know well, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), was passed by Congress more than three decades ago. Now, however, it has moved to center stage in the public arena because of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). A significant portion of the massive funding bill is specifically earmarked for ADA compliance projects, […]

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Feb 16th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
infrastructure road 340x240 Infrastructure law complexities slowing funds to local governments

Massive amounts of information have been disseminated about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – but perhaps the volume and variety of messages have been overwhelming. For whatever reason, there is a troubling amount of confusion and a lack of clarity about all the new funding programs, when the revenue will begin flowing, and how it can […]

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Feb 11th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
transit oriented development 340x240 Public transit projects provide efficient travel, spur economic development

An abundance of funding has been allocated to public transit authorities … and more funding is on the way courtesy of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Interestingly, a trend has emerged that indicates a common practice throughout the country. Public officials at the local levels of government are designing transit projects to spur other types of […]

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Feb 9th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
library shelves 340x240 Funding is flowing to new library projects throughout the country

Modern and well-run libraries have been treasured public assets for communities for decades. These unique public facilities serve many purposes – they are bastions of educational materials, home bases for creative inspiration, and repositories of equitable learning infrastructure for all citizens. Because of their prominence and importance, hundreds of new libraries are receiving an inordinate […]

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Feb 4th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
solar panels american public power association 340x240 Renewable energy projects racing clock before government tax credits expire

The interest in renewable energy is destined to escalate. Recently, the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) program enhanced the appeal for these types of projects while also expanding the scope. The ITC program encourages private investment in renewable energy projects by offering lucrative incentives in the form of tax credits. For offshore wind projects, it […]

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Feb 2nd 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
WSDOT Ferry ready to load at Fauntleroy Terminal 340x240 Funding influx heading for ferry service projects

Not everyone knows that the federal government’s infrastructure bill includes a $1.6 billion funding allocation for projects related to ferry services. Private-sector contractors should take a moment to check out some of the upcoming projects designed to amplify ferry services throughout the U.S. In California, public officials are pursuing well-funded initiatives to improve ferry operations […]

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Jan 28th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
LiDAR map Lynnhaven Inlet Virginia 340x240 LiDAR technology achieving objectives for the public sector in new ways

Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) technology is becoming a common component in our daily lives even though the term remains unfamiliar to many people. LiDAR uses a beam of airborne laser light to map out ranges in 3-D. These images are integral to construction, engineering, and geographical information systems industries. LiDAR technology is especially useful […]

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Jan 26th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Lakeside Center adaptive reuse 340x240 Take note of this rapidly expanding government trend

Adaptive reuse is a terminology, process, and trend that is becoming quite common in government marketplaces. Public officials throughout the country are launching adaptive reuse projects involving government facilities that already exist. Rather than launch entirely new construction projects, public officials, especially in cities and counties, are choosing to redevelop their backlog of abandoned brownfield […]

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Jan 21st 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
automation warehouse 340x240 A fast moving trend to watch

Before the labor shortage and supply chain problems began — even before the pandemic that fueled them started — automation was a buzzword for planners and public officials. Now, automation may be the public sector’s best bet for dealing with stifling setbacks to the global supply chain. The term, automation, refers to any system that […]

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Jan 14th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
affordable housing 340x240 Bevy of incentives leading to rise in affordable housing partnerships

City officials, for years, have struggled to find ways to provide more affordable housing options for residents, and now funding for these efforts is more available than ever. One funding source that has created revenue specifically for affordable housing is the Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) program. It offers extremely attractive incentives for private-sector investors, […]

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Jan 12th 2022 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
U of Iowa State Hygienic Lab Capital projects at universities essential to U.S. competitiveness

Throughout history, college campuses have transformed students into global leaders by equipping them with the resources and knowledge required to address the world’s most troubling issues. That’s a critical component of every aspect of our well-being around the world. So, it is important for U.S. colleges and universities to have the talent and the required […]

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Dec 30th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Boise Fire Station No. 5 340x240 2022 to signal start of massive fire station construction projects

Firefighters are heroes in our communities, and public safety is top of mind for first responders and citizens as well. Now, for the first time in many years, local governments have new funding for public safety facilities. Hundreds of projects for new or significantly upgraded and modernized fire stations are either in planning phases or […]

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Dec 29th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Tampa International Airport rendering 340x240 Federal funding a boon for airport improvement projects

The recent passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill authorized a staggering $1.2 trillion for the rebuilding of America’s critical infrastructure. Airport officials throughout the country were among the first this month to begin receiving billions of the new revenue. The funding, however, arrives with earmarks for all types and sizes of projects that share the […]

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Dec 17th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Buffalo Bills stadium rendering 340x240 Public venue projects signal U.S. ready for return to normal

The pandemic forced communities in America to mandate lengthy periods of social distancing. Now that the mandates have lessened, city and state officials are eager to fund projects designed to bring people back together. Large initiatives to construct sports stadiums, event centers, and municipal buildings are being launched with great enthusiasm.   The state of […]

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Dec 15th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
Supreme Court of Louisiana WEB 340x240 Historic preservation efforts yielding contracting opportunities

Government leaders throughout the country are leading initiatives to renovate, preserve, and modernize historic municipal buildings, or build new public assets. These efforts may be found in every state and at every jurisdictional level of government. Many of the projects being planned will be especially conducive to public-private partnerships. In St. Petersburg, Florida, one such […]

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Dec 8th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
INVEST South West Chicago rendering 340x240 Tax credit incentives powering wave of community development

A windfall of federal funding will literally change the landscape throughout America over the next several years. The recently passed $1 trillion infrastructure bill makes funding available for all kinds of large capital projects. Additional funding is available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and many parts of the country still have Coronavirus Aid, […]

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Dec 3rd 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
road construction 340x240 Governments line up road improvement projects for 2022 and beyond

America’s vast network of roads is a treasured public asset – an essential component of global competitiveness. The country’s roadways also are the backbone of economic vitality for every region of the U.S. Because of this, officials at all levels of government must continually care for this public resource. Fortunately, care and upkeep will be […]

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Dec 1st 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
St Anthony Green Streets Project rendering 340x240 Toll of natural disasters sparks resiliency projects

The sudden onset of a natural disaster creates immediate havoc, and the cost of destruction that has become the norm is huge. To counter the cold unpredictability and extremely high costs of protecting the country’s environment, officials at various levels of government are announcing resiliency projects. Federal and state funding for infrastructure resiliency projects is […]

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Nov 19th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
bike path WEB 340x240 New trends impacting future transportation related projects

The effects of COVID eased America’s dependence on automobiles in ways that continue to alter the fabric of U.S. infrastructure. Lockdowns inspired massive portions of the population to look for more diverse methods of travel, and public officials took note of the trends. This is obvious in funding that has been appropriated for pedestrian and […]

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Nov 17th 2021 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities by Mary Scott Nabers
data code mainframes 340x240 Data driven initiatives benefiting from funding influx

Public officials throughout America are leveraging data in ways that can only be described as futuristic. Through partnerships with companies that specialize in data capture, data integration, and data analysis, big changes are occurring. The results are impressive – cost reductions, more efficient planning, fewer required resources, and improved citizen services. City leaders are capturing […]

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