Jun 17th 2024 | Posted in Infrastructure, Opportunities, Water Projects by Dave Doolittle
ivan bandura Ac97OqAWDvg unsplash 2 340x240 Bryan hires designer for wastewater treatment plant expansion project
ivan bandura Ac97OqAWDvg unsplash (2)

The city of Bryan has selected a partner to design the Thompson’s Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (TCWWTP) expansion project. The designer will receive $3.3 million to manage the project, conduct preliminary investigations, oversee the bid phase and provide architectural services. Construction is anticipated to begin in August 2025. No cost estimate has been released. The […]

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Aug 8th 2023 | Posted in Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
reservoir 340x234 Department of Interior investing $152M to expand water storage in the west

The Department of the Interior announced a $152 million investment under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to bring clean, reliable drinking water to communities across the West. Six water storage and conveyance projects are expected to develop at least 1.7 million acre-feet of additional water storage in California, Colorado and Washington. That will be enough water […]

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Jul 19th 2023 | Posted in Mary Scott Nabers' Insights, Opportunities, Water Projects by Mary Scott Nabers
water treatment plant pixabay 340x240 Water infrastructure projects face almost no funding shortages anywhere in the U.S.
water treatment plant pixabay

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law allocated the largest amount of funding ever to be invested in the country’s water resources.  More than $50 billion was earmarked to specifically improve the country’s drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. In addition to that funding, almost every state has also increased its funding commitments to improving water infrastructure.  Water […]

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Jun 30th 2023 | Posted in Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
pixabay faucet water 340x240 Recycled water projects to deliver benefits to South Sacramento County

California — The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (Regional San) received a $227.5 million boost to help construct the Harvest Water Program, a conjunctive-use project that will supply treated wastewater to agricultural lands and provide wildlife habitats in southern Sacramento County. This is the first project in the Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP) to complete Proposition […]

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Apr 20th 2023 | Posted in Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
unsplash water faucet leaking 340x240 California gets $307M to help solve water problems

California is getting an infusion of $307 million to fix pipes, install new bypass channels, repair fish ladders, refurbish values, and improve pumps, turbines and motors. Funding will come from the Inflation Reduction Act and an infrastructure bill approved by the U.S. Congress. The 24 California projects will join a total of 83 projects in […]

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Mar 10th 2023 | Posted in Water Projects by Texas Government Insider
panther island cc cropped 340x240 Modified Central City Project receives $20M in FY 2023 Work Plan
USACE Flood Control Project - Central City. Courtesy of pantherislandcc.com.

The Fort Worth District received $20 million to continue the design of the Modified Central City project, also known as the Panther Island project, to reduce flood risk. The new funding will be used to complete three isolation gates and a stormwater pump station beyond the initial design. The funding comes from the U.S. Army […]

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Feb 1st 2023 | Posted in Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
Tulsa Port of Inola 340x240 Port of Inola wastewater treatment plant ready for design phase
Tulsa Port of Inola. Courtesy of Tulsa Ports.

Oklahoma – The city of Tulsa-Rogers County Port Authority was awarded a $22.3 million grant in September 2022 for the Port of Inola Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant. The money was part of $38.2 million the Tulsa region received as one of 21 recipients of a Build Back Better Regional Challenge. The Port of Inola project is […]

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Dec 19th 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
Pixabay ocean water waves 340x240 Doheny desalination plant approved for land lease

DANA POINT, Calif. — The California State Lands Commission granted a 20-year land lease in Dana Point to be the future site of the Doheny desalination plant. The South Coast Water District (SCWD) will build a $140 million plant to turn five million gallons of oceanwater into reliable drinking water each day, regardless of Southern California […]

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Dec 2nd 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
Pixabay waterway 340x240 Public Facilities Authority awards $191M to clean Minnesota waterways
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Minnesota — The Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA) announced $191 million in grants and loans for water and infrastructure repairs in 29 communities. The funding came from the PFA’s Clean Water and Drinking Water revolving loan funds (CWRF), the Water Infrastructure Fund (WIF) grants, and Point Source Implementation (PSI) Grants programs. The highest-funded clean water projects in […]

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Nov 18th 2022 | Posted in Infrastructure, Texas Government Insider, Water Projects by Texas Government Insider
Pixabay water treatment plant 340x240 Pflugerville to begin $146M expansion of water treatment plant

The Pflugerville City Council approved a $146 million contract to expand the city’s surface water treatment plant with construction set to begin in 2023 and an estimated completion in 2026. The plant upgrade will increase water capacity and address damage caused by invasive hydrilla and zebra mussel infestations in Lake Pflugerville. The expanded water capacity […]

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Nov 11th 2022 | Posted in Infrastructure, Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
Pexels water pipes 340x240 Nearly $300M in water infrastructure improvements coming to New York

New York — Nearly $300 million is being awarded to fund critical water infrastructure projects across the state. The funding is coming from the Water Infrastructure Improvement Grant, Intermunicipal Grant, Green Innovation Grant, and Engineering Planning Grant programs. These grants are awarded by the New York State Environmental Facilities Corp. and are part of the […]

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Oct 14th 2022 | Posted in Federal, State, Water Projects by Texas Government Insider
Screenshot 2022 10 14 131402 e1665771328808 340x240 TWDB plans for $222M in water funds
Photo courtesy of the Texas Water Development Board.

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has approved its Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds’ 2023 Intended Use Plans (IUP). The plans detail how the agency intends to utilize $222.3 million from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The IIJA funds will be allocated as additional capitalization grants to the states. Texas expects […]

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Aug 26th 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Texas Government Insider
Unsplash truck flooding 340x240 Fort Worth fixing flood problems
Photo courtesy of Unsplash

The city’s Stormwater Management Department is proposing spending $136 million over five years to mitigate flood risk, ensure system reliability by replacing aging infrastructure and facilities, and produce new flood maps. The city’s drainage system includes over 900 miles of underground pipe, approximately 230 miles of the engineered drainage channel, over 35,000 drainage inlets, and […]

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Jun 28th 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
LA St Tammany flooding 340x240 Flood study continues for $4B in Louisiana parish mitigation efforts

Louisiana – The U.S. Corps of Engineers has been given an additional 16 months and $1.77 million more to further refine the St. Tammany Parish Feasibility Study. The three-year study initially concluded that it would cost $4 billion to address chronic flooding across St. Tammany Parish. The Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP), released in June 2021, recommended […]

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Jun 14th 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Texas Government Insider
 State awards $71M for water infrastructure

Two flood mitigation and wastewater infrastructure projects captured $71.5 million in financial assistance from the state on June 9. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) awarded $44 million to the Lumberton Municipal Utility District in Hardin County to replace its wastewater treatment plant and $27.5 million to the city of Sugar Land for a drainage […]

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Jun 6th 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Texas Government Insider
Harris County tunnel Harris County Flood Control District advances stormwater tunnel study

The Harris County Flood Control District expects to begin the third phase of its feasibility study on countywide stormwater conveyance tunnels this fall. District engineers will determine the scope elements of the third phase of the feasibility study in late 2022 and could begin the phase in the spring of 2023. The first phase estimated […]

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May 16th 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
Dept of Interior Boise project new york canal photo by bor 340x240 Interior Department commits $240M to drought resilience projects

Washington, D.C. – More than $240 million from the U.S. Department of the Interior is being invested in 46 projects to repair aging water infrastructure and increase drought resilience. The program, facilitated through the Bureau of Reclamation, includes significant repairs on canal linings, dam spillways, and water pipeline replacements. Projects selected for funding on May 9 […]

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May 9th 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Texas Government Insider
Port of Galveston 340x240 Waves of funding arrive at Galveston port for dredging, maintenance work

New federal funding will expand the Port of Galveston’s commercial capacity and, in turn, help reduce broader port congestion. A recent $11 million allocation from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) will support dredging the final 2,500-foot stretch of Galveston Ship Channel to a depth of 46 feet. Dredging work—now slated to begin in […]

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Apr 22nd 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Texas Government Insider
Laredo water tower 340x240 New Laredo water master plan calls for $163M in spending over next 5 years
Laredo water tower

Laredo councilmembers on April 19 authorized spending more than $163.5 million on 22 projects from the city’s Integrated Water Master Plan. Over the next five years, the city will start work on the first phase of the master plan that focuses on existing water system reliability, better water service, framework for growth, and future water […]

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Apr 18th 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Texas Government Insider
SAWS construction 340x240 San Antonio Water System embarks on $200M Resiliency Initiatives Project

The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) launched its Resiliency Initiatives Project on April 7 to support the resilience of its infrastructure during events impacting the electric grid, such as the February 2021 winter storm. SAWS will host a non-mandatory pre-submittal meeting at 2:30 p.m. April 20 for interested engineering firms. The selected firm(s) shall provide […]

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Mar 21st 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
NC Davie County WTP 340x240 North Carolina approves $164M in financial aid for water projects
Davie County Water Treatment Plant

North Carolina – The State Water Infrastructure Authority of North Carolina authorized $164 million in financial assistance to help fund 76 water and wastewater projects throughout the state. These projects are funded through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water and Wastewater State Reserves, and the Viable Utility Reserve. Some […]

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Feb 28th 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Texas Government Insider
Clear Creek project flooding 340x240 Clear Creek flood mitigation project nearing mid 2022 design procurement

Harris County Flood Control District is finishing preliminary designs for the $237 million design-bid-build Clear Creek Federal Project and anticipates beginning the procurement process this summer or fall for the final designs. The district plans to host a public meeting this spring to discuss the updated project scope adopted by Harris County and the U.S. […]

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Jan 19th 2022 | Posted in Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
AZ desalination locations 340x240 Arizona governor touts $1B for desalination, water supply initiatives
Desalination locations

Arizona – Entering his final year as governor of Arizona, Rob Ducey announced a $1 billion investment in water desalination at his State of the State on January 10. Ducey provided scant details of the project in his address, but he said he would be working with Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers and […]

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Jan 5th 2022 | Posted in Transportation, Water Projects by Government Contracting Pipeline
port of long beach 336x240 MARAD awards $241M for port infrastructure improvements
Port of Long Beach

Washington, D.C. – To help stem the nation’s supply chain issues, the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) will award more than $241 million in discretionary grant funding for 25 projects to improve port facilities. MARAD’s Port Infrastructure Development Program supports efforts by ports and industry stakeholders to improve facility and freight infrastructure by providing planning and capital […]

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