The city of Bryan has selected a partner to design the Thompson’s Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (TCWWTP) expansion project. The designer will receive $3.3 million to manage the project, conduct preliminary investigations, oversee the bid phase and provide architectural services. Construction is anticipated to begin in August 2025. No cost estimate has been released.
The TCWWTP currently has an average annual design flow capacity of 2 million gallons per day (MGD). However, the plant only treats an average of 1 MGD. As the area’s population grows and influent flows increase, the city will expand the facility’s capacity to 4 MGD to compensate for greater demand.
The project will improve an influent lift station with four replacement pumps, slide gates and a backup generator. Plans also include adding two additional clarifiers and building outfall boxes for yard piping. The city will improve the headworks by installing a second vortex grit removal system, adding downstream weirs, installing a multi-rake climbing mechanical screen and building an odor control unit.
Plans include building two additional aeration basins and two turbo blowers next to the existing two aeration blowers. In addition, the city will remove the existing multi-stage blower, replace the existing check and isolation valves and install a wheel-chain for the replacement isolation valve.
The city will enhance TCWWTP’s electrical and automation systems. Plans include integrating new equipment into the existing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. All new equipment software will comply with the city’s cybersecurity standards. The project will also remove the uninterruptible power supply in the server room.
The project will replace the ultraviolet (UV) equipment at the UV disinfection facility, install a sunshade canopy and replace the control valve and strainer. Other plans include additional return activated sludge pumps, an additional waste activated sludge storage tank and improvements for all interconnecting yard piping and site grading.