The National Park Service (NPS) in October announced plans to increase entrance fees in 17 of the country’s most visited parks from about $25 to $70 per vehicle. The entry pass would be valid for a week. The cost of riding a motorcycle into the parks would rise...
Texas voters made their voices heard by choosing for or against bond propositions put forth by cities, counties, school districts, special districts, a community college and hospital district. In total, 83 local government entities made the decision to call for a bond...
This is the time of year when bond proposals are voted on by residents so cities and towns can take on improvement projects. But new laws might be enacted in 2018 that could take some of the attraction away from bonds. Last week, a tax reform draft, called Tax Cuts...
Cyber attacks are becoming more common and even though we tend to only hear about the attacks of high-profile entities, no company with an online presence is immune to attacks. “We are only as strong as our weakest link,” said Todd Kimbriel, Texas...
“This is not a closed book – this is a work in progress.” That is Gov. Greg Abbott’s take regarding ongoing state efforts to secure billions of additional federal dollars to help address damages and destruction left behind when Hurricane Harvey swept over parts of...