Does the U.S. ever emulate or keep track of transportation initiatives taking place in other countries? According to David Glessner, public information officer with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the agency has hosted over 1,800 international visitors...
Did you know that the first “bookless library” opened in September 2013 in San Antonio, Texas? The BiblioTech library started with a catalog of 10,000 e-books. The library building contains no printed books, and members can even check out a book without...
The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) recently approved $1,052,915,000 in financial assistance from the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) program. The funding will be distributed to 10 project sponsors across the state. $677,120,000 to the North...
In 2015, the National Park Service (NPS) reached a record-high of $11.9 billion in deferred maintenance, which NPS defines as “maintenance that was not performed at the required intervals to ensure an acceptable facility condition to support the expected life cycle of...
In May, voters throughout Texas decided on the outcome of thousands of projects and more than $8.3 billion worth of bond funding when they went to the polls. Around eighty-five local entities called for bond elections. Now, other governmental entities are considering...