May 15th 2020 | Posted in Infrastructure by Texas Government Insider

The city of Austin Parks and Recreation Department recently issued a request for qualifications (RFQ) for professional architectural services to design a new Colony Park Aquatic Facility and redevelop the Givens Aquatic Facility.
Consultants will construct these new pool facilities while taking into account aquatic assessment recommendations from 2014 and the City Council-approved aquatic master plan from 2018.

Total estimated project cost for design, permitting, demolition, site work, and new construction is $13 million for Colony Park District Park Pool and $6 million for Givens District Park Pool. Estimated total consultant services fees are $1.7 million.

Colony Park rendering

The city of Austin has released a separate RFQ for project management services in advance of this solicitation. The same firm will not be eligible for award of contract for project management services and professional architectural services.

After the release of this architectural services RFQ, the city will issue a solicitation for a construction manager at risk (CMR) to provide cost and constructability services throughout the project’s design phase. The firm awarded this professional architectural services RFQ will not be eligible for the CMR contract.