Indiana– The Fort Wayne International Airport needs a $44 million expansion to accommodate its continued growth within the current 100,000-square-foot terminal. Plans are in motion for a two-phase project on the west and east parts of the terminal. This year, preparations are underway to expand the first and second floors of the west terminal by about 30,000 square feet. The expansion of the first floor includes additional circulation space around airline ticket counters and a new outbound baggage system. The second floor will have expanded holding room space and an additional jet bridge. Passengers will also see updated finishes, furnishings and signs.  

Fort Wayne International Airport Authority officials would like its board to select an architectural design firm for the west terminal phase in May, following another hearing on the project next month. The board plans to work with the Transportation Security Administration this summer with the hope of getting a grant application for that part of the project approved so design work on it can start in the fall. Construction on the terminal improvements could start next year. 

The airport had a record 381,139 outbound passengers in 2018. Parts of the building date back to the 1950s and in January construction wrapped up on a $3.35 million upgrade, including a new terminal entrance road.

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